Recent Stuff

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

So what have I been doing lately? Working on my next cosplay among the rest, but illustation-wise I was getting to a point where i want to try some new techniques. Basically there are 2 ways that I know of to approach an illustration. one is sketching and when the sketch is tight enough, moving on to inking, and then coloring etc. The other way is roughing out the illustration, and starting to paint right away, (maybe with adding values before that). there are advantages and disadvantages to each. seeing all the wonderful art from people who paint scenes, I want to try that too, so I'm trying the second method. Yes it can be frustrating at times, getting lost and not in my "safe zone".
This all comes from an idea I have that will hopefully take place sometime in the future. I want to create a computer game. For that I want to work on concept art :)

So here's a test I did lately:

And the sketch (not that it's not sketchy as is ^^;)

Here are some more colored sketches along that line:

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