Working Horizontally

Saturday, February 26, 2011

How would you build a building. wall by wall or from the base up? Now, I've never built a building before, but that's how I would do it :)
Same principle is applied for drawing. Someone who focuses too much on, say, an eye, may make a beautiful eye, but if he had to show it, when only the eye is finished, how will it be read?
You start with a rough, and refine. The idea is to construct the image as a whole, concentrating on the form and value of the entire image, and only after that's established, move on to the detail. Same with the detail itself, work in layers (not the photoshop layers!), layers of detail, add the same "resolution" to the entire image. This will also make the image more balanced overall.
You should reach a state that you can stop at any phase and show the image, and it will be read correctly.

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