The Dance

Friday, September 26, 2014

Here's a drawing I did for a "Sin City" style contest, for the upcoming film :)
Yeah I know it might not look *exactly* like sin city, but I took some inspiration from it. Actually this is pretty much the first time I did something like that, and although it probably took me way too long to do it (I'm guessing about 8 hours) it made me think about comics somewhat (drawing, not reading lol).
So anyways, I hope you can get the overall story from the painting... She's an exotic dancer, with props and everything, in a sleazy Yakuza style club, where an assassin shows up and going to try to get her.. As you may guess, she knows her shit and that sword isn't just a toy. It's called "The Dance" because of what comes after that :P

BTW I won!! :D

Hope you like it! ^^

 Rough sketch
 A little detail & cleanup..


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Here's my drawing for a "Japanese-Style Illustration" contest :D
As you may have guessed, many people who've submitted paintings for this competition did either samurai, traditional kimono and stuff paintings, or both. There are many amazing drawings over there.. Anyway I've decided to take a different direction and went for something more modern, that being Japanese street fasion! I really love that stuff, all the color @_@... One style in particular captured my eye, And that is Decora Kei, the color-and-candy stuff! Mixed a bit of lolita in there too, for good measure ^^;
Hope you like it!

Didn't win at the end, it was one of those "like" contest so ><;

 A previous attempt, I wanted a more engaging pose though..

CAMI Interior art

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Here’s some stuff I did for the CAMI convention’s signpost art :) I had to conform to a certain coloring style so I didn't work as usual ^^;

Kick Off

Monday, September 15, 2014

Made this for an sports-themed exhibition on an upcoming anime convention over here :)
I also have some interior art for signposts & stuff I made for that con so I'll upload those soon ^^

Emma Peel

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Made for the Trinquette Publishing challenge
That week was Emma Peel, a character from the 1960's British show 'The Avengers' (no not *those* Avengers) a spy-fi show. There was also a movie some years back starring Uma Thurman :)

The Adversary

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Something a little different, drew this for a 'Drawn Cats' contest, a little kitten meets his adversary for the first time :)
It was interesting to practice drawing cats, rendering fur, and simulating mirrored reflections ^^;

Hope you like it!