My Little Dragon

Monday, March 31, 2014

Here's something I made for a contest related to "How to Train your Dragon", basically designing a dragon :)
Along the way I got to practice some painting and creature design (which apparently I don't do enough ^^;)

Here's the sketch, as you can see there were some changes:

Another stage of the process, decided I needed to add another color and more depth:

New Style?

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Lately I've been feeling hat I've hit some sort of roadblock, something's keeping me from progressing. So I've decided to try and break some self imposed technical limits, and tried some new techniques :)

This one's actually the first one, it actually started from a color test, so to test something I drew a leg (her left btw) and from there suddenly all the rest of the body formed! XD There I knew I was up to something..


Sunday, March 23, 2014

My entry for the weekly Trinquette Publishing challenge :)
Trying it out to make myself draw more. To be honest, I'm not sure I'm 100% happy with the result. I feel it's not engaging enough, also seeing the other entries, well, I have a lot more work ahead of me ^^`
On the challenge you get a set of photo poses to choose from and the subject character. Here's what I came up with:

Starting sketch: I did a few attempts, and matching to a given pose is a little challenging :)

When I was finished with the character I wasn't really sure what to do with the background (bah) so I tried some things. She's leaning on something so I had to make it fit.

As you can see I went with something different :)