Adjusting Photoshop Brush Size Intuitively

Monday, September 27, 2010

No, I'm not talking about the LAME [ and ] buttons, which are far on the other side of the keyboard and cause a head and finger ache when pressed repetitively. Of course I'm also not talking about right clicking and using the dorky slider which gets in the way and disrupts the FLOW.

Not long ago, When I was yet to discover this awesome method, I mapped the [ and ] keys to the wacom touchstrip, but that's over now!


Now, not only that dragging left/right adjusts the brush size, but dragging up/down changes the brush's softness!(in the default brush)

I'm not sure which editions have that, but I know that it works for CS4+


The Secret Photoshop Color Wheel

I've been searching all around for some way to get a cool color wheel in photoshop, some comfortable way to switch colors etc.

Just meshing buttons, I've discovered this:


Brings up a sweet color wheel which I didn't even know existed. Strange that I haven't seen any mentions of this anywhere (or I just might be a really bad searcher/crawler)...

In Preferences>General you can change the HUD Color Picker to your liking, I prefer the Hue Wheel.

I think that was just about the missing score to make Photoshop the best drawing app EVA

P.S. I'd attach a screencap, but it's kinda problematic with the keys having to be held 'n all..