
Friday, January 1, 2016

Concept Design Project, YUKI
Made my own version to Snow White :)

Here's the story:
Yuki is the daughter and heir to a megacorportaion. Her mother having died at her birth, her father remarried to a beautiful but conniving woman.

As Yuki grew, her stepmother began viewing her as a threat, as she would inherit all of the corporation's funds. The mother then sends a ninja assassin to escort Yuki on a trip downtown and then kill her. At the end he couldn’t do it, as she was too precious. Instead he let her get away.

Living on the streets from then on, surviving day by day without the comforts of her past, she stumbles upon an old shack in the slums, with strange, unfamiliar equipment, Falling asleep there.

She awoke to the sight of seven weird looking creatures, short and deformed. However they didn't threaten her. And decided to let her stay, and show her how to hack computers. The mutants are a group of ostracized hackers who data mine the cyberspace, gaining information and selling it for currency.
While the mutants are connected to the cyberspace, they are not aware of the environment around them.

Yuki starts hacking, trying to find interesting data on the web, in which the stepmother, her stepmother finds her using the “Mirror” supercomputer. She tracks her whereabouts, and sends a drone her way. The mutants, however manage to take control of it and stop it in time.

Deciding on a more clever route, the stepmother sets a trap for Yuki on the cyberspace. She crates a fake data that would supposedly incriminate her, so that Yuki would use it against her, taking her down and return home. The data, called “The Apple” however, is a deadly Trojan virus.
Yuki finds it and can't resist opening the data. Upon opening, she immediately shuts down and falls into a coma. The mutants discover this, and seeing it's too late, place her in a stasis chamber at a forgotten lab, freezing her in this state.

One day a notorious hacker comes to visit the mutants, they had numerous dealings in the past. They show him the stasis chamber. As a self proclaimed “Prince of Hackers” he told them that there is no virus that he cannot fix. And so he sat for days without sleep. However he could not break the malicious program that crashed Yuki. In his frustration and lack of sleep, he stumbles upon an electric wire powering the chamber. Setting forth a large jolt. The shutdown combined with the electric shock must have “rebooted” Yuki, and so she suddenly awoke.

They got together, and planned bringing down the stepmother. They set up a large high-class event, and invited many riches and officials, themselves guising as foreign stockholders. The stepmother arrived surely enough, and while there Yuki revealed herself to her, and all the screens in the area were set to show everyone the data from the drone and how it was set to assassinate Yuki.

The stepmother was put under arrest and Yuki regained her father's company.

The Witch's Hut

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Environment concept design for Baba Yaga's Hut story. I tried to give it a more creepy/horror feel. Influenced by stuff like True Detective S1 :)
Not entirely satisfied with the end result, but oh well..


Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Tyrande Whisperwind, from Warcraft/Heroes of the Storm​
My favorite character in the game! And yes I play a lot of Heroes lately, at least it gives me some inspiration ^^;
Took me too long as usual.. :X

Hope you like it!


Tuesday, September 15, 2015

So I've watched the new "Girl" video and just had to make a fan art, probably my most 'risque' painting so far :X
Here's the video, for those who haven't seen it yet:

Hope you like it! ^^


Sunday, August 30, 2015

Nova, from StarCraft/Heroes of the Storm
Took me longer than I thought ^^;
I want this to be one of many future fan art posters that I'll make, hope you like it!

Annabelle, the Blood Rose

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

A collaboration project with KrisMadness, I've designed a character and she would cosplay it in the future!
Basically, she wanted a character with horns. That was a lot of fun, I've made several attempts until I've reached something that I really liked. Hope you like it too!

Crystal Maiden

Monday, July 13, 2015

A birthday present for a friend of mine, she plays a lot of DOTA2 and likes the Crystal Maiden (and looks like her too!) so I drew her as the character ^^

From the Black World

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Character design course, designing a kids' toy line themed 'discovery'.

Here's the story:
Nema lives in a green world, she has a special connection with the land, as many of the inhabitants there. One day, dark creatures suddenly appear and abduct Nema and many others. One of them is Vex, who grabs Nema and throws her through the portal from which they came. They pillage, destroy and take whatever they please, and the green world becomes darker..
Nema, transported to the black world finds many of her kin trapped, listens to the pain of the earth there and works furiously to set them free to run back through the portal to take them home. She is captured in the escape attempt and the dark creatures start experimenting and brainwash her.
Vex, on his time on the green world suddenly sees something, he sees the beauty, and the futility of what he's doing. The black world is all he knows and here there will be another black world, with its toxic, dusty air and acidic, tarred soil. Grabbing a fallen flower he decides to try to change his own world.
Nema is now darkened, as with all the creatures of the black world, who are either born to it or transformed. She is sent to take from the green world, as the black world has nothing but dust and waste. She is met with Vex, who recognizes her. He tries to stop her but her look is empty, she attacks and nearly destroys him. Then he shows her the flower and through it she hears her world and suddenly remembers who she is, and together they decide to try to heal the black world :)

Thanks! ^^

Crater Thing

Monday, June 29, 2015

A rock eating giant alien creature that settled up in a crater. Threatening anyone who may come close enough, although it really only wants to keep its eggs safe. I was given many instructions about what it should be doing, be able to do. I think in the end it's not threatening enough.
Not very satisfied with this project, but oh well, next time :P


Friday, June 12, 2015

I wanted to make a tribute after seeing Christopher Lee has passed away, he was a cool guy, and I really liked his roles on The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings and Star Wars.
That battle at the 3rd Hobbit film was so cool!
I've also tried new techniques, which is why it may seem somewhat sketchy ^^;
Hope you like it!


Sunday, June 7, 2015

An illustration for a "People and Animals" Japan Day contest ^^
I've only discovered about it yesterday night, 2 days after it was closed.. They were kind enough to allow me to submit it today(!) So I've worked on it nonstop and actually made it XD
Hugging cats! We love it, they, most of the time, don't :X

Queen of Hearts

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Alice in Wonderland project, with a different direction.
Alice is flying on a spaceship in cryogenic hibernation. The ship lands unexpectedly and she finds herself on a strange, alien planet. There she meets a strange hyper intelligent cat in a flying suit that has a cloaking device, a malfunctioning android that switches heads around, and facing the queen.
I've thought about the queen as a creepy alien thing, but I wanted her to have some feminine allure at the same time. Designing her was a struggle and changed many times throughout the process X:'
I wanted to give the whole design some retro sci-fi movie feel.

Hope you like it! ^^